Book Souls
The White Feather by P. G. Wodehouse

The White Feather

P. G. Wodehouse

  • Fiction

A student tries to restore his honor among his schoolmates by learning to box.


Sheen is a quiet, unassuming student, whose standing in the school’s social hierarchy is irrevocably damaged when he commits a sin of cowardice: he flees from a fight between some of his schoolmates and a group of local boys. This decision leads him to be swiftly and severely ostracized by his school community. Facing this scorn, Sheen must find a way to restore his honor. Originally serialized in The Captain magazine from 1905 to 1906, The White Feather is one of the first of P. G. Wodehouse’s many novels. Wodehouse, renowned for his wit, humor, and engaging storytelling, went on to become one of the most beloved English authors of the 20th century.

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